Friday, May 23, 2008

Quality Control

Sacre Coeur, from the fabric shop window. My camera battery needs to be charged...

The best part of all this cooking is Quality Control. Which means getting to eat delicious food. Lots of delicious food. Ok so today, the ATM was broken AGAIN so I still have no cash of my own. It was a different ATM too... gah. Went to Montmarte with Kristen to go fabric shopping for decorations. MY GOD, THE FABRIC STORE WAS AMAZING. I want to be a fasion designer today. Yesterday I wanted to be a chef... I'll never make up my mind. Let's see, after we got home and got extra delicious sandwiches for lunch at the local bread shop, well, one of the local bread shops I should say, I helped make Spanikopita and... so much food. I made eggrolls like a fiend and stuffed mushroom caps with mushroom stuffing. Lamb brocettes... hummus... so much stuff.
The wedding is tommorow, so I finally get to eat the finished versions of this food. Going to have to cook again tommorow morning though. I'm sure the whole day will be hectic but after all is said and done, next week should be eaaaasssyyyy. I saw an Organ Grinder the other day. I forgot to mention that. He had a monkey but it was a plush and therefor did not know how to pickpocket as all Organ Grinder monkeys should. My hand hurts... I hope all this hasn't given me some sort of chef's carpal tunnel.


Anonymous said...

love the pic charge the battery i live for the pictures i need more next summer you pay for me to go ha love you sooooooooo much dad

Jen said...

Are you wearing a dress for the wedding? If so, what color and take a pic of u wearing it!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you are taking notes so that you can cook all of that yummy stuff for me!!
Organ Grinder??? ewwww----makes you wonder what happened to his REAL monkey, doesn't it???