Friday, May 30, 2008

Ne marche pas

The Opera, or at least a corner of it.
The ceiling and...
...the main part of the Galleries La Fayette
Grass Car! Vroom vroom!

Went with Kristen to the Monoprix after her card wouldn't work. We ended up going to the upstairs which is where the offices and everything are before it finally worked. At least we got free Schweppes samples, even if they are citrus flavoured and diet. Nothing here is normal, I swear. Even the canned tea is peache flavoured. And why am I spelling things like a Brit? Aaaanyway, after Monoprix, we had to do some more shopping and we went to Bouchera which was cool, got some fabric there. Then we went across the street to the Galleries LaFayatte, which is HUGENORMOGANTIC. I found that I have a sudden liking of Hippopotomi as my new favourite animal.

I've been mostly packed out of my room, for a temporary change of residence, but I'll try to keep up with the updates as best I can. Hopefully this posts successfully, Blogger is telling me that it's having trouble auto-saving, which I've never seen before. Fingers crossed!


Jen said...

Wow, you go shopping alot! Why is the Hippopotomus ur new fav animal?

Anonymous said...

Well, that grass car brings "going green" to a whole new level!! I want some of those tasty little drinks from the grass car!! Kinda reminds me of that Cheech and Chong movie!!! LOL! Beautiful pics--of a MALL!! Those French are soooo nutty! Tell us all about Marshie's Egyptian throw down--with pictures, please!!
Love you , Pussy Cat!!!